The first step is to check whether the name you chose can be registered as a trademark. This is not limited simply to checking if there are other similar trademarks. Order our Trademark Search Report, and we will verify if your trademark fulfill the following registration requirements:
Your trademark should be sufficiently distinctive for your product or service and should not use generic terms related to the product or service you want to protect.
Your trademark should be original and have no similarity, not even phonetic, to other trademarks already registered under the same class.
Your trademark should not be prohibited by law, such as words reserved for public use, those which can be misleading, etc.
You are guaranteed the best price for your International Trademark Registration: if you find it more affordable elsewhere, we will give you that price plus an additional 10% discount
We will send you detailed instructions. You only need to download the forms, fill in your details, sign and send it. It’s that easy!
We will send you a receipt that your process has been started, within 5 business days of receiving your signed documents.
Major corporations and thousands of entrepreneurs around the world have chosen us as their trusted legal services provider.
We check that the trademark you wish to register complies with legal requirements and that there are no similar registrations.
You enter your personal details, either through our website or over the phone and the system sends the invoice to your email.
Once payment is received, the system automatically sends instructions, along with a list of signed documentation to be submitted.
Once your signed paperwork is received, one of our lawyers specializing in Trademark Law will complete your trademark application.
Your assigned lawyer will follow due process, carrying out all necessary legal actions to complete your registration.
After the registration procedure is completed, we will send you the trademark certificate either electronically or by mail.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Wire Transfer or PayPal.
To start your registration process, you must send us by regular mail a notarized Power of Attorney, to be valid in Portugal.
No. The trademark registration may be made in favor of a foreign individual or a foreign company. It does not require that the applicant has a commercial establishment in Portugal.
The trademark registration process, in Portugal from the application filing until the time the certificate is granted, takes approximately 4 months.
No. While trademark law requires a legal address in Portugal, we establish this address in our office.
Once the trademark certificate is granted, it will be valid for 10 years.
Then it may be renewed indefinitely.